Thursday, December 30, 2010


Whatever happened to that "Seasonally Seattle?" you may be wondering. Did she disappear? Did she lose her computer? Did she...give up?

I'm happy to say that I'm still alive and still in Seattle. And I haven't given up...exactly. But it's been an interesting journey in the last month since our 100% local Turkey Day.

First, I got a job. I'm now working at the American Lung Association, managing two large events...a 5K that happens in May, and a stair climb event that happens in October. I'm so excited to be back in the work force again, but with my weeks filling up with appointments and logistical planning, my blog has has Seasonally Seattle, slightly.

We are still locally focused eaters. All of our dairy, meat, eggs and flour are still local. Our tomatoes are still local. I'm still burning through our back stock of dehydrated fruits. And our greens and most of our veggies and fruits are still local. But here's where our journey has taken a turn, and here's why.

Dan and I reached a point where we began questioning the healthiness of this little experiment.  While we were eating nearly 100% local, most of our dinners consisted of meat and potatoes. I had originally romanticized the concept of doing this, thinking about how connected I was to my forefathers. The thing is, my forefathers actually worked the land 10 hours a day, affording them a 1500 calorie dinner. Me, not so much. Dan and I both gained even more weight, despite going to the gym or running regularly. 

We found that we were missing things like salmon (from Alaska) and tofu (with soybeans from the midwest). Our dinners were so heavy that all we wanted was a little Quinoa (from Bolivia) with veggies. And the fact that I now have a job makes my spare time so much more valuable... and baking bread every weekend, soaking beans and defrosting meat was nearly a full time job. Being able to buy a loaf of whole wheat bread for $2.99 is a God send when you have a jam packed schedule. And we missed cereal, the simplest breakfast ever.

And so here are. About 60% local. Still decent, but not really what I set out to do. Though I will say, the whole point of this experiment was just that--to see if it was a feasible lifestyle change for an urban couple. Here is what I've come up with.

It is feasible, in the spring, summer and fall. While I think it's possible to do 100% local, there are things I must have in my life to feel healthy. I will continue to eat locally, and shop locally, and there are other things I've picked up in the last 6 months that I will continue to do as well.

I'll still can my own tomatoes. I'll still dehydrate fruit for the winter months. And I'll still make pasta from scratch on occasion.

And most importantly, I'll still keep this blog. While I'll be scaling it back from a few times a week to probably once a week, I'll still give recipes and how-to's that I think are important to eating as locally as possible (and logical).

In the mean time, I hope all you Seattleites will come to my 5K on May 1st at Magnuson Park. You can become a fan on Facebook to learn more about it. And I hope you will all stop by once in awhile to read Seasonally Seattle.


  1. Good for you, Amy! Sometimes we just have to roll with the punches, right? I certainly empathize with you - my time the last few months has been totally eaten up by preschool holiday crafts and events (one of my 2 part-time jobs)and then extra practices with my own choir Christmas concerts. I feel like my focus on food has taken a real dive.

    Looking at the whole year in review, though, I see that we have made huge positive strides. We now have a family habit of green smoothies every morning, and fresh juicing every afternoon or evening. We have cut out nitrates and MSG. We have converted to almost entirely whole grains instead of refined. When I look at it this way, I get off my guilt trip and see that we are on the right course, although the winds do blow!

    Congrats on the new job! My hubby is also in the lung business - his new job since Sept. is as a quit-smoking coach with Free & Clear in downtown Seattle. He recently got the OK to work from home, which is a big relief from the commute!

    Looking forward to your sporadic posts! Please let me know if you want to meet sometime and start a little garden this spring!

  2. I was wondering what happened to you. Now it all makes sense.
    Eating locally only makes sense if it is healthy and reasonably doable. Moderation is always a good policy.

  3. Totally hear what you are saying!! Since my local CSA is closed for the season.. I have to buy greens from Freddies.. so sad.. but .. We have to have our veggies! My dad got us 1/2 a cow (from EW) for Christmas (yum) so all of our beef is local. Our extra roosters -- well, they go to Freezer Camp, so our chicken is very local ;) and I have a friend who raises lamb. I get most of our dairy products local too. YOu have to do what you can when you can!! I am glad you will keep blogging, I enjoy reading and seeing your pictures. :D
    Congrats on your job!

  4. First, thanks to all of you for your well wishes and understanding comments. I feel so blessed to have such great people reading my's inspiring to stay with it. :)

    @Paula--We must connect about the garden! And I'm happy to hear your hubby got such a great job, and with no commute to boot! Fantastico! I hope to see you guys at the lung 5K in's such a great cause! :)

    @Linda--everything in moderation, right? I already feel so much more in balance, which is what I'm gathering from this whole experience--balance is key.

    @Jen--We just got a quarter cow, too...doesn't local beef make the biggest difference? I love hearing about other people making strides where they can, when they can. It's so important to keep it in mind while shopping, sometimes you will be surprised at some of the local ingredients out there!

    Happy New Year all of you, and I'm excited to make 2011 the best year yet. :)

  5. Good for you to be able to adjust and not stay doggedly on a course that may not be perfect. Healthy is where it is at, and local is definitely part of that. Whole, fresh and 'in season' is the best way, but thank God we live in an age where we can supplement that with "fresh" even in the dark days of winter!
